The 3 Details You Need to Know to Learn Yours? What Is Your Rising Sign

Risings signs are an important piece of your astrological chart

Published Time: 07.04.2024 - 16:31:17 Modified Time: 07.04.2024 - 16:31:17

Risings signs are an important piece of your astrological chart.

Also known as the ascendant, your rising sign offers insights into your personality and temperament from an outside perspective (aka, how other people see you), astrologer and bestselling author Lisa Stardust tells PEOPLE.

“There's a lot a person can glean from understanding their rising sign,” adds writer and astrologer Sterling Bowen. “Most notably is the interaction between the self and outside world. The ascendant helps us understand how we see the world, and therefore how we interact with it. That's why folks often misunderstand this placement to be a ‘mask’ of sorts — it's really about how others observe us living in the world.”

From what it means to how to find yours, keep reading for everything to know about rising signs.

Unlike your sun sign (determined by the month in which you were born) and your moon sign (determined by the day you were born), your rising sign is determined by the time you were born.

“The sun sign represents our ego and drive in the world, while the moon sign dictates our emotional nature and the parts of ourselves that we internalize,” Stardust explains. “The rising or ascendant is what we are revealing and letting people see, so it dictates the energy we put out there.”

In other words, your rising sign is thought to reflect the traits that others perceive in you.

"Consider it the key that unlocks your map to comprehend yourself and the world around you,” the astrologer says. “The rising sign provides insights into a person's identity and experiences throughout life. As everyone has a different birth chart, the rising sign sets off how we view our astrology chart and helps us put our life plans into motion. It dictates our temperaments, desires and the timing in which we will want to attain our goals.”

According to Stardust, rising signs reflect “the first impression we give the world.”

“It's the initial aspect that people notice about us and the image we choose to project when meeting new people,” she explains. “This element adds a unique touch to the astrology chart as it determines our approach towards the world and how we present ourselves to others.”

She notes that your rising sign can also dictate how you perceive others, making it that much more crucial to understand.

“This can greatly influence our identity and aspirations, and help us determine our personalized astrological chart based on our birth time since it is the first house of the birth chart,” she says. “It unlocks the mystery of our birth charts.”

When looking at a circular birth chart your rising sign can be seen on the left side, positioned in the first house, Bowen tells PEOPLE.

“This is what sets up the house placements, which is basically how an astrologer can tell you what the planets are doing in your life specifically,” he says.

You can also calculate your birth chart online using resources such as Cafe Astrology and Astro Seek. To find your rising sign, you’ll need to input your date, time and location -

of birth.

"Your astrology rising sign is primarily determined by the specific time and day of your birth,” Stardust says. “To determine your ascendant or rising sign, it is crucial to know your exact time of birth. Therefore, it is recommended that you double-check your birth certificate or ask your parents to create your birth chart accurately.”

The fiery Aries rising is known for their passionate nature. Stardust says they tend to be impulsive or rush into situations — including relationships.

Taurus risings are dependable and kind, but they can also be stubborn. “Their bullish ways know what they want and how they want it,” says Stardust.

If you’re a Gemini rising, there’s a good chance you’re a social butterfly. “Their expressive nature and constant presence in the lives of loved ones make them valued members of any social circle,” says Stardust.

Stardust labels Cancer risings as the “caregivers of rising signs,” saying that they’re “known for their caring and compassionate nature as well as their sensitivity to others.”

Leo risings tend to be popular in their social circles — and they like it that way. “Being ruled by the sun, they tend to have a desire to be in the spotlight,” says Stardust. She also notes that Leo risings “exude confidence” and “strive to shine in everything they do.”

Virgo risings “prioritize growth and development” both within themselves and in their relationships, explains Stardust. “As Virgo is ruled by Mercury, individuals with this rising sign tend to possess the analytical qualities associated with the planet of communication,” she explains.

Like those with a Libra sun sign, Libra risings can be flirtatious and social, with a taste for the finer things in life. “Libra risings are known for their ability to be charming, balanced and beautiful,” says Stardust. “They prefer the beautiful things in life, and want to attain them — even though they can be indecisive about how to do so.”

Scorpio risings are determined and focused on their goals, Stardust says. “Regarding partnerships, they're looking to forge deep connections with others that can transcend and evolve with time,” the astrologer adds.

Stardust says Sagittarius risings are “believed to be fortunate, inquisitive and brave” and seek equally passionate romantic partners.

Capricorn risings tend to be hard-working and motivated, Stardust explains. “In relationships, they like to set the rules and take charge to feel as though they are grounded,” she adds.

As the humanitarians of the zodiac, Stardust says that Aquarius risings are usually caring and innovative. In relationships, she explains, they “prefer being with someone who is progressive and intellectually stimulating.”

Pisces risings are “highly compassionate, intuitive, creative and imaginative individuals,” says Stardust. She adds that in relationships, they seek a partner who can match their emotional depth.

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